
The Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (subclass 482) is a visa that allows skilled workers to come to Australia to work for an approved employer in a nominates occupation. There are mainly three streams under this visa category:

  1. Short-term Stream: This visa allows employers to address labour shortages by bringing in skilled workers where employers cannot source am appropriate skilled Australian worker. An individual can stay for up to 2 years or up to 4 years if an International Trade Obligation (ITO) applies.
  2. Medium-term Stream: This visa allows employers to address labour shortages by bringing in skilled workers where employers cannot source am appropriate skilled Australian worker. This stream is for skilled workers who are needed in Australia for up to 4 years.
  3. Labour agreement Stream: This stream is for skilled workers who are sponsored by an employer under a Labour Agreement negotiated between the Australian Government and the employer. An individual can stay up to maximum of 4 years, depending on the terms in the Labour Agreement.

To be eligible for the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa 482, one must meet certain requirements:

  • Have a sponsor who is an approved employer in Australia.
  • Be nominated for a skilled position that is on a relevant occupation list.
  • Have the necessary skills and qualifications for the nominated occupation.
  • Meet the English language proficiency requirements.
  • Meet health and character requirements.

To apply or find out more about the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (subclass 482). Contact Us