
Business and Investment Visa

The Business and Investment Visa helps successful business owners, investors, and entrepreneurs to operate a new or existing business in Australia. There are many options available for individuals who want to migrate to Australia through Business and Investment Visa. These include:

  1. Business Innovation and Investment visa (subclass 188): This visa is for people who want to own and manage a new or existing business, invest in businesses, or undertake business innovation activities in Australia. An individual having this visa can stay up to 5 years. This visa category has five streams:
  • Business Innovation Stream
  • Investor Stream
  • Significant Investor Stream
  • Premium Investor Stream
  • Entrepreneur Stream
  1. Business Talent visa (subclass 132): This visa allows an individual to establish a new or develop an existing business in Australia. This visa allows applicants to stay permanently in Australia. This visa category has two streams:
  • Significant Business History Stream
  • Venture Capital Entrepreneurs stream

To be eligible for the Business and Investment visas, an individual must meet certain criteria:

  • Have a successful business career, a track record of successful investment activity, or be an entrepreneur with a genuine and innovative idea.
  • Be able to make a significant contribution to the Australian economy.
  • Meet English language proficiency requirements, unless exempt.
  • Meet health and character requirements.
  • Have a genuine commitment to staying in Australia.
  • Meet the specific requirements of the visa stream you are applying for.

To apply or find out more about the Business and Investment Visa. Contact Us